Upcoming Events

We believe in sustainable development and are working towards ensuring that
our events become self-sufficient for the decades to come.


Health Services Project

Janjaagriti (JKM) runs several programs with the twin goals to prevent disease and provide access to medical care. Improving the health of children and mothers is a primary focus.


Women's Health Camp

We organize Specialty Heath Camps twice a month. A Pediatrician, Gynecologist and GP are always present. In addition, there is a specialist in a field like Skin, Eye, HIV/AIDS, and Tuberculosis.


Legal Counseling for Women

We organize legal sessions with Resource Persons who are lawyers in the Delhi High Court. Women are informed and advised about various issues like Domestic Violence, Dowry, Self Defence, and How to File an FIR.


Blood Donation Camps

If you wish, you can specify it go to the Health Project. Sponsor a children's health check-up or a month's cost of medicines and food. Sponsor a women's workshop on nutrition and family planning. Sponsor a community health camp or nutrition camp.


Women Empowerment

Women are worst affected when it comes to unemployment and poverty. Without any income of their own, they need to depend on men for anything and everything. If the men are also unemployed, the matter gets worse.



India has made rapid strides in the health sector since independence. However, various eye opening data from NFHS clearly indicate that access to healthcare still remains a challenge.


Hand Made bags

JanJaagriti (JKM) has recently started training women in hand made bags so that they will take a step towards self- grooming along with become independent by would take jobs by working independently from home.


Plant Sapling distribution and Pollution free city awareness camp

जनजागृदि संस्था नेकरीब 500 पौधेदविररि दकए और लोगो को पयडवारण सुधार केदलए जागरूक दकया ।जनजागृदि संस्था नेएक मूलमंत्र सभी को दिया । "स्वच्छ पयाडवरण सबका अदधकार ,आओ दमलकर करेसाकार "


Our Health Services for School Children

Monthly health check-up of children in Janjaagriti (JKM) education programs. Provision of Medicines since the parents generally cannot afford them.

Ready to Join With Us?

Come join your hands with us and perform a good deed every day.


The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor

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