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Mission Education is a state level program of janjaagriti, which is committed to providing basic education and healthcare to underprivileged children. Janjaagriti believes that whether you are addressing healthcare, poverty, population control, unemployment or human rights, there's no better place to start than in the corridors of education.

Women Empowerment

(Aatmsammaan) Various studies, as well as our experience, have shown that when we help women and empower them, the whole society benefits. Their families are healthier, children go to school, income levels improve and communities become more prosperous. But unfortunately in India, far from being empowered, most women are denied even their basic rights like health, education, employment and a respectable status in society.

Health Care

Urban slum dwellers suffer from adverse health conditions owing to mainly two reasons –first the lack of education and thus lack of awareness; and second the unwillingness to lose a day's wage in order to reach the nearest medical facility. Health for underprivileged, which is a desperate need, thus remains unaddressed.As a result, cases of poor women health, malnourishment in children and deaths from preventable diseases from such areas are always high.


Rescue and rehabilitation of children in vulnerable conditions,Care for physically and/or mentally challenged children The action of restoring someone to health or normal life through training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or illness. "that anyone undergo rehabilitation and will walking within three weeks" The action of restoring someone to former privileges or reputation after a period of disfavor

Youth Development

Youth development is a process that prepares a young person to meet the challenges of adolescence and adulthood and achieve his or her full potential. Youth development is promoted through activities and experiences that help youth develop social, ethical, emotional, physical, and cognitive competencies.

Save Girl Child

-Discrimination against girls in India has been going on since ages now. Even today, there are several sections of the Indian society where the girl child is treated as a burden. While several privileges are given to the boys; girls are often restricted to the confines of house and given very little or no opportunities to learn and grow in life. It is a matter of great shame that cases of female infanticide are still reported. As per the figures of 2011 census, there are just 918 girls in India for 1000 boys.

Green and Clean Environment

Janjaagriti would have been continuously promulgating environment awareness and rally campaign among the youth groups, self help groups, and students, about the pollution control and demonstrate the needs for the perfection of the nature climate, bio diversity and sustain livelihoods. In this context, tree plantations, keeping proper soil fertility and motivate the farmers to cultivate herbals plants to safeguard the environment against vulnerable epidemic diseases.

Child Labour

Together we can stop child labour. By no longer accepting it, not in mines, not on fields, not in factories, not in domestic settings and not in the products we buy... Child labour is a country problem that requires a country solution. In India, small city, Big city, villages, local authorities, teachers, employers, parents and children in child labour free zones work together to get children out of work and into school. They are all convinced that no child should be working: every child should be in school.


Janjaagriti Easy yoga believe that yoga heals, yoga strengthens, and that yoga makes whole. Yoga is an action, an idea, and a thought. We believe that it has the power to change a person; that it gives each of us the chance to look within, and to see what is, so that we may know where this change must begin.Yoga is the creative process to the art of living. That process is often internally unique and specific to the individual.


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy printing and industry. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap electronic type essentially unchanged.

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